
Wednesday, November 11, 2015


During the wild celebrations at the great news that the Syrian Arab Army, with assistance from Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, have broken the 2 year long siege by Islamic State of Kweires air base, someone managed to take a sneaky photograph of a sad and devastated Eliot Higgins.

Poor Eliot. It's OK to cry sometimes. It lets the boohoos out.

Can we all send him our hugs and kisses to console him at this, his unhappy hour?

For those still unaware of the true origin of the violence in Syria, here is General Wesley Clark revealing the initial plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years:

But because by 2007 this plan was moribund, the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia decided to resurrect this plan by unleashing the worst cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran. This was reported by Seymour Hersh in March 2007, 4 years, repeat 4 years before it occured, though Libya was the first to get them.

But by July 2013 these Jihadis had not killed Assad as they had Gaddafi, so Prince Bandar went to Moscow and threatened Putin: either Putin dumps Assad; or Bandar would unleash hell in Syria. Putin refused to dump Assad. And so on 21st August 2013 Bandar unleashed hell in Syria with a massive chemical attack.

But even that failed to provoke the war in Syria the warmongers wanted to continue their plan for war and regime change, so they facilitated the rise of Islamic State, which has been used by the NATO/Zionist/Gulf states as an excuse to bomb Syria. But as we can now see quite clearly, that alleged bombing for over a year has been a hoax. For within just one month of Russian bombing, Islamic State has allegedly bombed a Russian passenger aircraft in retaliation for Russian bombing of Islamic State (even though NATO's intelligence department Bellingcat says Russia has not been bombing Islamic State), and now the Syrian Arab Army has broken the 2 year long siege by Islamic State of Kweires air base near Aleppo.

It's all happening now in Syria.

The tide is turning.

Aleppo must surely fall to the Syrian Arab Army.

Unless the NATO/Zionist/Gulf states have got more dastardly tricks to pull...

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