
Tuesday, November 17, 2015


The TTS Bullshitter of the Day is the Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon for this remarkable pile of bullshit on why Brussels, the HQ of NATO who ran Operation Gladio, is a terrorism hotspot.

And yes, that is the same Brussels which houses not just NATO but lots of other European centres of power and administration.

And yes, that is the same NATO that ran Operation Gladio, in which right wing terrorists bombed civilians but their mates in law enforcement blamed Communists.

And yes, that is also the same NATO who along with Israel and demonic Gulf states have unleashed a wave of equally demonic cutthroat Jihadis, with financial and logistical support, onto the likes of Libya and Syria.

And yes, that is the same NATO who, contrary to their founding principles, destabilised East Europe and backed a ruthless gang of neo-Nazis to overthrow a legitimately elected government in Ukraine in order to eventually plonk first strike nuclear missiles aimed at Moscow.

And yes, that is the same NATO that is run by this week's TTS Freak of the Week, Jens Stoltenberg.

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