Monday, December 07, 2015


Another possible hashtag is #ZionismReligionOfPeace.

And yes, that is the same Zionist Israel that killed 520 children in Gaza last year.

And yes, that is the same Zionist Israel that Donald Trump loves very, very, very much.

The father of one of the San Bernardino killers told an Italian newspaper on Sunday that his son, Sayed Rizan Farook, had an obsessive hatred of Israel that underscored his Islamic radicalism and allegiance to the ideals of Islamic State.

An anti-Semitic streak was also discovered within the family as the father, Sayed Farook said he tried to dissuade his son from violence by telling him that "Nobody wants the Jews...In two years. Israel will no longer exist."

[source : 'My son was obsessed with Israel,' says father of San Bernardino shooter, Jerusalem Post,, 6th December 2015]

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