
Tuesday, December 01, 2015


In 2011 The United Nations Security Council endorsed Resolution 1973 which authorised military action in Libya. The terms of the resolution were that force could be used against the military of Libya but only if it was believed that the lives of civilians were in danger.

But within weeks there were calls for Gaddafi to go.

Several months later British Special Forces were on the ground in Libya training and assisting the 'rebels' in Libya, while NATO provided the 'rebels' with air support by bombing a clear path for the 'rebels' all the way into Tripoli.

But the 'rebels' were actually al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb!!

And eventually Gaddafi was murdered.

So what was initially a save-the-civilians campaign transformed into a full scale Get-Gaddafi campaign.

Libya was one of the seven nations named to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11 as a target for war and regime change.

Libya was the crown jewel of Africa, but is now a pile of rubble.

Libya is also now a Jihadi hell hole.

Who was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom when all this happened?

Yep. Pigeon Murderer David Cameron.

Do not be fooled by all this talk about "keeping the country safe". MI5 have had a Covenant of Security with the Jihadis for decades, and they were allowing Michael Adebalajo to preach Jihad against Assad while they were trying to recruit him as a spy. MI5 allowed Adebalajo to preach Jihad against Assad because it is current British foreign policy to oust Assad so that a particular pipeline can be built across Syria that will threaten Russia's business with and thus influence over Europe. But the decision to unleash Jihadis onto Syria was reported in The Redirection by Seymour Hersh in the 5th March 2007 edition of The New Yorker Magazine. A few years later the British asked former French foreign minister Roland Dumas to organise pipelines to smuggle Jihadis into Syria. Adebalajo was helping to convince British Jihadis to go to Syria and oust Assad.

The United Kingdom will not be bombing Islamic State to "keep the country safe". There is a hidden agenda. The experience of what Cameron has done to Libya should immediately convince all Members of Parliament that he cannot be trusted. And he knows it. That is why he wants to limit the time spent on the debate so that nobody can grill him on the true aims and policies, such as boots on the ground, and the position regarding Assad, and who are those 70000 'moderate' rebels.

This is Corbyn's time to shine and really grill Cameron. Not just ask very pertinent questions, but really grill Cameron. Corbyn has made the correct decision to allow a free vote. He must now convince the Labour MPs that he is also correct that the UK should not bomb Syria with an authoritative and passionate performance tomorrow during the debate.

This could be the day that defines Corbyn.

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