
Friday, December 18, 2015


Cecil Rhodes is one of the men behind WW1 and WW2, although he died in 1902. Rhodes was financed by the Rothschilds and gained a world monopoly on diamonds via his development of the South African resources. He expanded into what is now Zimbabwe, formerly called Rhodesia after Rhodes. Rhodes was the supreme British imperialist and he left his fortune to expand the British Empire. His fortune was entrusted to Lord Nathan Rothschild who appointed Lord Aflred Milner to administer the money and implement Rhodes' wish. Milner formed The Round Table for this purpose, from which we are governed today through such organisations as The Royal Institute of International Affairs and The Council on Foreign Relations.

A movement called Rhodes Must Fall was recently started in South Africa to remove all tributes to Rhodes. They attacked and brought down the statue of Rhodes at The University of Cape Town. And they have now successfully forced Oxford University to think about removing a plaque dedicated to Rhodes. I am in favour of this. I had an interview for a job at Oxford University in 2012, and before the interview went for a walk around Oxford. I walked by Oriel College, where this plaque is, and immediately thought to myself that that plaque should and will soon be down.

Note how The Daily Mail refers to this: 'crazy PC'.

An Oxford college is to remove a plaque dedicated to the 19th century imperialist Cecil Rhodes after students said it was ‘racist’.

The monument, on a building owned by Oriel College, was erected in 1906 in recognition of the vast sums of money the mining magnate left to the university.

But campaigners claim that forcing ethnic minority students to walk past it on their way to lectures amounts to ‘violence’ because the college benefactor believed in colonialism.

[source : Crazy PC world of Britain's top universities: Zealots force Oxford to rip down Cecil Rhodes plaque as Nobel Prize winner in sexism furore is to quit UK, Daily Mail,, 18th December 2015]

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