
Wednesday, December 09, 2015


1. the vast majority of the terrorists were either French or Belgian nationals but of North African or Middle Eastern descent, and there is some mystery surrounding a passport that was found in pristine condition which could have been used by a refugee;
2. the alleged mastermind, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, was Belgian, was very well known to the security services, had somehow escaped from Belgium, even though he was on a wanted list, and fled to Syria where he joined Islamic State and earlier this year even bragged in their official mag that he could travel between Europe and Syria at will;
3. in January this year a mysterious book called Black Flags from Rome was published on the internet which claimed that Islamic State was going to use a refugee crisis to smuggle their Jihadis into Europe;
4. a refugee crisis in Europe did occur a few months later;
5. the cell that planned and executed the plot was based in Molenbeek, a very well known Jihadi hotspot which had been linked to several terror plots in the years previous and is just a few miles from the NATO HQ in Brussels, Belgium;
6. a few decades ago NATO had run Operation Gladio in which white right-wing extremists executed terror plots like bombing train stations and their fellow white right-wing extremists in law enforcement blamed left-wing extremists, in a bid to drag Europe to the right and beg for protection from NATO;
7. there are several reports of eyewitnesses who claim that white men also did some shooting in Paris;
8. there had been a terror drill in Paris that day which mimicked the events of 13th November 2015 (much like 7/7);
9. Jews in Paris received a warning that something was going to happen (much like Netanyahu recieved on 7/7);
10. the terror occured just as Russia was helping Syria to expunge the international cutthroat Jihadis that the NATO/Zionist/Gulf states had unleashed onto Syria;
11. for the warmongers it was a very convenient terror plot that swung a sceptical French public behind France attacking Syria, and was cited by many MPs in the UK who voted to back British air strikes on Syria.

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