
Friday, December 04, 2015


Donald Trump loves Israel and is going there to meet Netanyahu so they can do stuff together.

And yes, that is the same Israel who with the USA and Saudi Arabia agreed to unleash the worst international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria.

So let's get this straight:
1. A Clean Break was written for then Israel PM Netanyahu in 1996;
2. Israel, through PNAC/AIPAC/JINSA, was behind 9/11;
3. 9/11 was then used to kick off a series of wars, most if not all of them enemies of Israel;
4. but by 2007 the plan had stalled so the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia agreed that the latter would unleash the worst international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Iran and Lebanon;
4. this has led to a 'civil' war in Syria and a terrible refugee crisis;
5. politicians and others, including Israel-lover Donald Trump, attack the refugees and demonise all Muslims;
6. Trump is a star guest on Infowars;
7. Trump, who loves Netanyahu and Israel, is going to Israel to talk with Netanyahu;
8. yet it is Netanyahu who is driving the violence in Syria and global anti-Muslim hysteria!!!!!

How utterly, utterly bizarre!!

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