
Friday, January 08, 2016


There has been this thing lately: what was your biggest regret?

I've had a good think and decided that my biggest regret was sending those reports to that teacher, expecting her to offer to help. Instead she has not offered to help, and treated me like a piece of shit by forwarding them on to God knows who (without my permission) who are using them for God only knows what purpose, probably their own gain, academic and/or financial, going by the absence of offers of help. So assuming that due to the absence of offers to help they do not want the reports, when I ask that they destroy those reports (so that they couldn't use it for their own private gain) they refuse to do so.

The act of sending those reports has eventually generated in me so much negativity, anger, hatred and distrust, when I was optimistic, quietly happy and reasonably relaxed.

So cheers to The Bolton Monarchy and their lethal addictive potions that keep their fellow man oblivious to the true world that controls them!!

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