
Wednesday, February 03, 2016


The neighbour of Alexander Litvinenko has written in The Daily Mail of her experience of being his friend and neighbour. In one paragraph she states:
His [Litvineko's] hatred of Putin remained visceral, and during the course of our incredible dinner he blamed the Russian leader for everything from the Beslan school siege of 2004 to 9/11. As we sat in astonishment, he insisted that Putin had instigated the terrorist attacks in 2001 in a deliberate ploy to force America into a war in the Middle East which he believed would weaken his arch foe.

... As the unforgettable dinner party drew to a close, Alexander's passion never dimmed. He told us he still worked for Berezovsky as well as aiding the British Government, and as a result of what he knew some people wanted him dead.

Further details can be found here:

Yaarrp. Blame Putin.

Blame Putin for being the Pentagon planner who told General Wesley Clark that the USA was going to use 9/11 for war and regime change in seven countries in five years, four of those wars actually occuring (Iraq(2003), Lebanon(2006), Libya(2011) and Syria (2011 to date).

Blame Putin for The Redirection in which the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia agreed that the latter would unleash the worst international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran.

Blame Putin for the US DIA plan proposed in 2012 which proposed that a Salafist entity should be created in Syria to isolate Assad.

Let's face it. Litvinenko was working for Berezovsky and British Intelligence, writing anti-Putin propaganda.

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