
Friday, March 11, 2016


Yaron Brook is the Executive Director of The Ayn Rand Institute (ARI).

But Brook was a Sergeant in Israeli Military Intelligence.

In June 2002, Brook co-authored an article entitled Israel has a Moral Right to Its Life which was printed on the ARI website extolled the virtues of Israel. The article contains paragraphs entitled:
1. The Israelis and the Palestinians are not morally equal;
2. Since its founding, Israel has been the victim;
3. Hatred of Israel, and of the United States, is hatred for Western values;
4. Israelis have a right to the land;
5. Palestinians are not “freedom fighters”;
6. Palestinians have consistently sought to destroy Israel;
7. A Palestinian state under Arafat would become a base for terrorism;
8. Arafat’s meaningless words will not restore life to his terror-victims — past or future;
9. America, for its own benefit, must allow Israel to uphold the principle of self-defense.

This was written in June 2002 when the drive for war on Iraq was in full gear to kick off that plan war and regime change in seven countries in five years as revealed to General Wesley Clark.

The whole Ayn Rand cult is all about promoting selfishness.

Here is one example of Rand's selfishness. Her husband Frank O'Connor gave up his acting career to become a rancher so that he could support her as she began her career writing. But later in the marriage she met Nathaniel Branden and came to agreement with Frank, Branden and Branden's wife that Ayn Rand and Branden would have sex several times a week. This kicked off Frank's alcoholism.

One Rand quote is: "Capitalism and altruism are incompatible".

Ayn Rand was a fucking witch!!

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