
Saturday, March 26, 2016


A few decades ago NATO ran Operation Gladio in which extreme right-wing paramilitaries terrorised Europe with random bombings, while their mates in the police and justice blamed Communists. This was done to drag Europe to the right.

Today we have been witnessing Operation Jihadio.

Operation Jihadio involved using Islamic extremists for the following:
1. as a proxy force against President Bashar al-Assad of Syria;
2. as a reason for a stronger police state;
3. to deflect hatred of the bankers onto all Muslims.

Now the EU and Turkey are openly blaming each other for the Jihadis.
Turkish officials have accused European governments of attempting to export their Islamic extremist problem to Syria, saying the EU has failed to secure its own borders or abide by pledges to share intelligence and cooperate in fighting the jihadist threat.

The failures were outlined by Turkish officials to the Guardian through several documented instances of foreign fighters leaving Europe while travelling on passports registered on Interpol watchlists, arriving from European airports with luggage containing weapons and ammunition, and being freed after being deported from Turkey despite warnings that they have links to foreign fighter networks.

“We were suspicious that the reason they want these people to come is because they don’t want them in their own countries,” a senior Turkish security official told the Guardian. “I think they were so lazy and so unprepared and they kept postponing looking into this until it became chronic.”

[source : Turkish officials: Europe wanted to export extremists to Syria, The Guardian,, 25th March 2016]

The truth is that they are ALL involved: the EU, Turkey, the USA, Israel, and the medieval Gulf states.

All are using Jihadis as a proxy force.

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