
Tuesday, April 05, 2016


Yesterday the NATO media used The Panama Papers to smear Putin when Putin is not even named in the papers.

Today The Atlantic Council will reveal their next attack on Putin entitled, Distract Deceive Destroy: Putin at war in Syria.

So why such attacks on Putin? And why now?

Because Putin is blocking the plan for war and regime change by the NATO/Zionist/Gulf states that was kicked off by their inside job 9/11. It was the NATO/Zionist/Gulf states who have implemented a plan proposed by the US DIA in 2012 to facilitate the rise of a Salafist entity in Syria in order to isolate Assad. That Salafist entity we know as Islamic State. And some NATO intelligence agencies have been allowing Islamic extremist preachers to preach Jihad against Assad and allow Jihadi recruits to slip through border controls to travel to and from Syria via Turkey to join Islamic State. The UK and Belgium have been doing this.

To help defend Syria from these medieval Jihadis unleashed onto Syria by NATO/Zionist/Gulf states, Russia was asked by Assad to bomb the shit out of the Jihadis. Putin has done this, leading to Islamic State beiing destroyed in Palmyra, and quite soon in Raqqa.

And why is Russia interfering in Ukraine?

At the NATO summit in Bucharest in 2008 it was agreed that Ukraine and Georgia would at some point join NATO. Putin was there and told NATO that Ukraine joining NATO would be a red line, and he expected some respect for this after Russia had allowed NATO transit to and from Afghanistan across Russian territory.

But just a few months later Wall Street agent Saakashvili provoked Russia by bombing South Ossetians as they slept in their beds. This led to some NATO members demanding that Georgia should join NATO immediately.

By 2013 that plan for war and regime change was stalled in Syria, even though the NATO/Zionist/Gulf states had unleashed the worst international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria 2 years earlier with the aim of doing to Assad what they had done with Gaddafi. A very suspicious event occured on 21st August that year that was designed to provoke an all out war on Syria, but that failed after Putin had brokered a deal that Syria relinquish all its chemical weapons.

So the NATO/Zionist/Gulf states were not happy with Putin.

And when Yanukovich decided to renege on his deal with the IMF/Europe and instead join with Russia, NATO, contrary to its claimed founding principles of stabilisation and anti-nationalist extremist, used overtly nationalist extremist neo-Nazis to destabilise Ukraine, who shot police and protestors to provoke riots, and then eventually chase away Yanukovich. NATO media portrayed these violent, murdering neo-Nazis as romantic revolutionaries. The new leader of Ukraine was Yatsenyuk, who was hand-picked by the US State Dept and ran a foundation sponsored by NATO, National Endowment for Democracy, The US Embassy in Kiev and George Soros. Yats packed his new government with those violent neo-Nazis, who then began to bomb and shell the civilians in East Ukraine who had recognised the Nazism in the NATO junta, and rebelled. The civilians in East Ukraine are more aligned with and have strong historical alliances with Russia. So Russia came to protect those civilians. The ensuing war led to the tragedy of MH17.

The major sources of trouble in the world today are due to the NATO/Zionist/Gulf states: Palestine; Syria and Iraq; and Ukraine.

It is their aggression that is destabilsing the world.

Russia is either defending its national interests, or has been asked to defend the national interests of others, against this aggression.

Yet it is NATO, using a former office clerk of a lingerie company, who are claiming that Russia is the aggressor!!

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