
Tuesday, April 19, 2016


"Give me liberty, or give me death!" is the quotation attributed to Patrick Henry, who like many of the Founding Fathers, was a slaveholder when he made this demand.

But this same demand was cried several times by the fugitive slaves at Negro Fort just before General Gaines, who had been ordered by Andrew Jackson to destroy the fort, laid waste to the fort in an attempt to capture those fugitive slaves and return them to their alleged rightful 'owners'.

The origin of this operation is unclear. Whether Jackson was ordered by Secretary of War William Crawford (a strong believer in slavery), or whether Jackson took it upon himself to destroy the fort, I have yet to determine.

But what is clear is that Jackson order General Gaines to destroy the fort and return any captured fugitive slaves to their 'masters', though how Jackson would determine who the rightful 'owners' were is also unclear.

But Gaines did not get the chance to return fugitive slaves to their 'masters', because a stray cannonball from Gaines hit the fort's arsenal and blew the fort to smithereens, instantly killing nearly 300 occupants of the fort, many of whom were women and children.

But the Libertarian fakes over at Infowhores love Jackson, the slaveholding, slavery-loving, backstabbing traitor.

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