
Saturday, April 30, 2016


But was Infowhores ever great?

I used to think so, a few years ago, when I'd tune in nearly every night, pay my dues to the club.

But after several years of investigation I have come to the conclusion that all that Infowhores is is the expression of the right, pro-Zionist wing of the American intelligence community.

Infowhores support the John Birch Society and Libertarianism, who push this myth that Andrew Jackson was a good guy because he destroyed the Second Bank of the United States (BUS2). The myth is that considerate nice guy Jackson destroyed BUS2 because BUS2 was corrupt, running the economy badly and fleecing the ordinary American. However, the troof about Jackson is that:
1. when Aaron Burr had assassinated Alexander Hamilton aftre Hamilton had exposed Burr's treason, Burr fled to Jackson's house in Tennessee. Why would he do that unless he and Jackson were already familiar. But while Burr stayed with Jackson, these two and others plotted yet more treason against the United States. They were tried and got off only because the foreman of the jury was their best mate. Burr then fled to England and stayed a few years with the chief of British Intelligence Jeremy Bentham. Upon his return to the USA, Burr began to engineer the rise of Jackson for the Presidency, which was achieved through British agent Martin van Buren who ran New York. Jackson then proceeded to destroy BUS2 because it was developing the United States into a rival to the British Empah;
2. Jackson was one of the largest slaveholders in Tennessee, at one time owning 300 slaves. He would have his runaway slaves beaten upon their capture, and one slave named Gilbert died from his beating;
3. Jackson stabbed the Cherokee in the back by forcing them and four other 'civilized' tribes to relocate from Georgia and other soon-to-be Confederate states to what is now Oklahoma. A Cherokee had earlier saved Jackson's life, which prompted Jackson to declare eternal friendship between the United States and the Cherokee. But Jackson repaid that debt through the forced removal called The Trail of Tears which killed 4000 native Americans.
4. Jackson believed in slavery that much that he organised a raid on Negro Fort in Spanish Florida in order to recpature fugitive slaves who had escaped their slavery and found sanctuary there, and return those fugitive slaves to their 'rightful owners'. Jackson offered to pay $50 dollars for each captured occupant of Negro Fort. But the General who executed the operation fired a cannonball into the fort's arsenal and blew the fort sky high, killing 300, mostly women and children;
5. a claim that Jacksonites make to show how brilliant Jackson was is that he paid off the debt. Yes, he did pay off the debt. But Nicholas Biddle had done all the hard work with good management of the BUS2;
6. when Jackson tried to withdraw federal funds from BUS2, he had to fire two Treasury Secretaries, who refused to withdraw those funds because of the legality and finanical implications, and finally appointed a fellow slaveholder Roger Taney, who withdrew the funds and placed them in 'pet banks', which were really his mates and banks loyal to Jackson. Those pet banks, flush with fresh funds, issued loans many more times than the value of the funds, which fueled speculation in land, which Jackson burst with his Specie Circular. This led to the 1837 Panic. Henry Clews in 28 Years on Wall Street states this, and mocks Jackson and van Buren for their incompetence while praising Biddle's management of BUS2.
7. another claim that Jacksonites make is that he slew the bankers. No he didn't. He transferred federal funds into banks owned and run by his mates and party loyalists who then went gambling on land. But it was Jackson who gave the Rothschilds their big break by appointing them agents for the United States in Europe;
8. and yet another claim made by Jacksonites is that he opposed big governmnent. But what sort of man opposed big government yet believed in slavery so much that he became one of the largest slaveholders in the country, allowed Texas to join the Union even though Texans were the most extreme white supremacists who had rebelled against the Mexican government in order to keep thier slaves, and invaded Spanish territory to return fugitive slaves to their slavery?
9. in destroying BUS2 Jackson and the USA in general was unable to industrialise the South which kept the South dependent on slavery. And his Indian Removal Act forced civilized native American tribes to leave their ancestral lands in states like Georgia and Tennessee so that wealthy planters could build plantations to be worked by slaves. All this led to the Confederate States of America, who went to war to defend their right to keep slaves. In this, Jackson is the Godfather of the Confederacy.

And now take this presidential campaign, in which Infowhores have pushed Donald Trump.

There is something very, very wrong about this:
1. in December last year, Donald Trump appeared on Alex Jones show and they both said that they would be talking to each other a lot afterwards. Yet just a few days ago Trump gave a foreign policy speech in which Trump restated his love for Israel and his willingness to support Saudi Arabia, even though both are complicit in the attacks on his beloved New York on 9/11. And not only that, Trump strongly believes that Iran is the mischief maker in the Middle East, even though there are several videos of General Wesley Clark stating that shortly after 9/11 he was told of a plan to attack seven nations in five years, one of those countries being Iran. Iran was also named as the major threat to US national security in PNAC's Rebuilding America's Defenses. But 4 months after appearing on Alex Jones show, Trump still believes in the official Neocon line: al Qaeda did 9/11, fight for Israel and destroy Iran;
2. the 'insider', Dogy Roger Stone, who allegedly left Trump and began to appear on Infowhores, is implicated in the two biggest events of last decade which have led to years of financial chaos and war: he boasts that he was the one who got Florida to go for George W Bush in 2000 which led to all the wars since because when W got in he surrounded himself with PNAC founders and members (Stone is rabidly pro-Israel); he also boasts that he was the one who scuttled the investigation into corrupt Wall Street practices by exposing Eliot Spitzer for using whores (which is ironic considering Stone is now appearing on Infowhores).
3. Trump's new campaign manager, Manafort, appears to me to be on the edge of and protecting CIA operations through PR.

Alex Jones himself needs to 'fess up asap:
1. he recently admitted that he has attended blood-drinking rituals, some of them 'bad rituals of the dark side';
2. he has claimed on a radio show other than his own that half his family are CIA;
3. he has also revealed that his ancestors were colonels and generals in the Confederate Army, which would explain why he is at the least sympathetic to neo-Confederacy, which now claims that the Confederate states seceded because of a tariff, when all primary documents and primary personnel at the time state that the prime reason for their secession and the cause of the Confederacy was to protect and retain the institution of negro slavery.

And now they have become complicit in a peeping tom operation.


I've changed my mind.

Please don't make Infowhores great again.

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