
Thursday, April 14, 2016


I wrote this on 25th January last year: MY THINKING REGARDING THOSE REPORTS
How long have you had them now?

And what have you done with them besides idle gossip?

On 28th June last year I stood alone outside Freemasons Hall to protest 100 years after Freemasons assassinated Arch Duke Ferdinand in an event that was designed to kick off the horrors of WW1. To say I was pissed off is an understatement.

My thinking is that if, after reading those reports, you are not absolutely fucking furious that our monarchy could engineer WW1 and then WW2 then you do not deserve those reports.


If they are nothing more to you than intelligent or idle gossip then you do not deserve those reports.

So if you have not done so already, destroy reports, and those who did as I requested can have updated copies directly from me. I'll think of a way to get them to you.

25th January last year.

Before then I had openly asked for those reports to be destroyed, having recieved no offers of help, but more disappointingly, not even one simple message of thanks.

4 months later I'd had enough of being treated like a piece of shit, expected to do all the work and take all the risk while they enjoyed their ultimately pointless middle class lives, and quite rightly said, "fuck 'em".

I think it was then that I subconciously began to realise that this was a class thing: let muggins TTS do all the work and take all the risk while they enjoyed life.

The ungrateful Bolton Monarchy could have easily contacted me to say one of these:
1. thanks, but we can't help;
2. thanks, we want to help;
3. thanks, but we've decided to help someone else.

They did none of these.

And now I am being 'taxed', so to speak.

Taxed for giving them loads of stuff for free...without any gratitude!!

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