
Thursday, April 21, 2016


The new NUS President Malia Bouattia has been accused of refusing to condemn Islamic State, claiming that doing so was "Islamophobic".

PJW condemns her (I assume):

But National Convenor of The Stop The War Coalition (and rabid pro-abortionist), Lindsey German, supports her:

So what is all the fuss about?

What is the evidence that Bouattia did indeed refuse to condemn Islamic State?

Well, this motion was presented to the NUS NEC in 2014:
Iraqi/Kurdish solidarity

Proposed: Daniel Cooper
Seconded: Shreya Paudel, Clifford Fleming

NUS National Executive Committee notes:

1. The ongoing humanitarian crisis and sectarian polarisation in Iraq – which has resulted in thousands of Yazidi Kurds being massacred.

NUS NEC believes

1. That the people of Iraq have suffered for years under the sectarian and brutally repressive dictatorship of Saddam Hussein, the US/UK invasion and occupation, the current sectarian regime linked to both the US and Iran, and now the barbaric repression of the “Islamic State” organisation.

2. That rape and other forms of sexual violence are being used as weapons against women in IS-occupied areas, while minorities are being ethnically cleansed.

NUS NEC resolves

1. To work with the International Students’ Campaign to support Iraqi, Syrian and other international students in the UK affected by this situation.

2. To campaign in solidarity with the Iraqi people and in particular support the hard-pressed student, workers’ and women’s organisations against all the competing nationalist and religious-right forces.

3. To support Iraqis trying to bridge the Sunni-Shia divide to fight for equality and democracy, including defence of the rights of the Christian and Yazidi-Kurd minorities.

4. To condemn the IS and support the Kurdish forces fighting against it, while expressing no confidence or trust in the US military intervention.

5. Encourage students to boycott anyone found to be funding the IS or supplying them with goods, training, travel or soldiers.

6. To make contact with Iraqi and Kurdish organisations, in Iraq and in the UK, in order to build solidarity and to support refugees.

7. To issue a statement on the above basis.

[source : NUS refuses to condemn ISIS terrorists…because it’s ‘Islamophobic’, The Tab,, Accessed: 21st April 2016]

The relevant resolutions are 4. and 5. highlighted.

Bouattia opposed the motion because she thought those resolutions relating to Islamic State implicated all Muslims.


I see nothing "Islamphobic" about these two resolutions 4. and 5. They both explicitly state Islamic State and nobody else as the target of condemnation and any boycott.

So to me, yes, she did indeed refuse to condemn Islamic State.

This is worrying, and I am not surprised that Lindsey German supports her when German will oppose wars such as the war on Syria but supports a global war on unborn children by being such a rabid pro-abortionist.

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