
Sunday, April 03, 2016


I get it.

The NATO/Zionist/Gulf states run 9/11 to kick off a series of wars that were supposed to lead to war and regime change in seven countries in five years. Those seven nations were: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

We invaded Iraq in 2003.

Israel contrived a war on Lebanon to get Hezbollah in 2006, but somehow lost.

So by 2007 that plan was moribund, with just two of the named nations, Lebanon and Iraq, experiencing war, and just one, Iraq, regime change.

So those same NATO/Zionist/Gulf states agreed that the latter would unleash the worst international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran, with the US State Dept running the Arab Spring to provide these Jihadis with cover as 'freedom fighters', thus giving the NATO governments an excuse to provide those Jihadis with political and military support.

However, those Jihadis were first unleashed onto Libya, another of the seven nations, but those Jihadis were in fact al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), and they received ground support from British Special Forces and air support from NATO.

After these Jihadis had murdered Gaddafi (who was actually assisting CIA and MI6 by giving them the names of members of AQIM), the Jihadis were sumggled into Syria where they have been murdering and chopping the heads off Syrians in order to oust Assad. Indeed, British Intelligence asked ROland Dumas to orgainse the smuggling of Jihadis into Syria, and allowed demented preachers like Michael Adebalajo to preach Jihad against Assad (Belgium, the HQ of NATO, has been doing the same, which is why it is known as the Jihad Capital of Europe, a fact lost on Infowhores).

But by June 2013 those Jihadis had failed to kill or oust Assad, so Prince Bandar of the medieval Saudi Arabia went to Moscow to threaten Putin: either Putin dumps Assad or Banda would unleash hell on earth in Syria (as if he hadn't already by then). Putin declined. So on 21st August 2013 Bandar unleashed hell in Syria.

But that failed to provoke an overt war on Syria. So a plan proposed by the US DIA in 2012 was implemented, to allow the rise of a Salafist entity in Syria in order to isolate Assad. That entity we know as Islamic State, and it has allowed those same NATO/Zionist/Gulf states to openly interfere in and bomb Syria.

But then Assad asks Putin for overt assistance, and Putin agrees.

Like International Rescue, Russia kicks the CIA/Pentagon/Saudi-financed 'freedom fighters' allowing the Syrian Arab Army to kick Islamic State butt, so now the SAA has liberated Palmyra (Hurrah!!) and is about to storm Raqqa (Hurrah!!).

So what does Putin get in return for helping to destroy the NATO/Zionist/Gulf state terrorists?

A pathetic attempt to implicate the whole of the Russian government in an off-shore banking scandal, all based on documents 'leaked' by an anonymous source to a Pentagon/CIA newspaper.

A network of secret offshore deals and vast loans worth $2bn has laid a trail to Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin.

An unprecedented leak of documents shows how this money has made members of Putin’s close circle fabulously wealthy.

Though the president’s name does not appear in any of the records, the data reveals a pattern – his friends have earned millions from deals that seemingly could not have been secured without his patronage.

...The records were obtained from an anonymous source by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung and shared by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists with the Guardian and the BBC.

[source : Revealed: the $2bn offshore trail that leads to Vladimir Putin, The Guardian,, 3rd April 2016]

And yes, that is the same The Guardian who refuses to expose this plan for war and regime change.

Anonymous sources?

But who is Süddeutsche Zeitung? According to their Wikipedia entry, Süddeutsche Zeitung was the first newspaper in Bavaria after WW2 to receive a licence from...THE USA!!!

Yaarp. Süddeutsche Zeitung is run by the Pentagon/CIA.

And who is pushing this Pentagon/CIA fabrication? Yaarp. Everybody's unfavourite traitor to the human race: NATO fanboy and employee, Eliot Higgins:

So. it makes perfect sense:
1. NATO/Zionist/Gulf states run 9/11 to kick off a series of wars in North Africa and the Middle East;
2. but by 2007 that plan was seriously in trouble;
3. so they unleashed cutthroat Jihadis onto Libya, and then Syria;
4. but by 2015, despite many attempts and assists, including allowing and assisting the rise of Islamic State, they had still not killed Assad;
5. Assad, finally realising he was in trouble, then asked Russia for assistance, which Putin provides;
6. almost immediately a Russian passenger jet is bombed over Egypt, and Paris is attacked bu Jihadis, which the goverments in France and the UK use as a pretext for war on Syria;
7. but Russia perseveres, focusing on the NATO/Zionist/Gulf-sponsored terrorists, thus allowing the Syrian Arab Army to concentrate on Islamic State, which proved a wise and successful decision because the SAA has liberated Palmyra (Hurrah!!) and will soon annihilate Isamic State in Raqqa (Hurrah!!).

So the NATO/Zionist/Gulf states have concocted this 'scandal' aimed at Putin, using an anonymous source 'leaking' documents to a Pentagon paper, in a pathetic attemp tto destroy Putin's credibility.

And all this because Russia helped to destroy the NATO/Zionist/Gulf state-sponsored Islamic State.

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