Sunday, April 10, 2016


What would you say were the two biggest events of the first decade of this century?

I would say (i) 9/11 and the subsequent wars, and (ii) the financial crisis of 2007/8.

Guess who is implicated in both of these? Dodgy Roger Stone.

Roger Stone is the 'former' aide to Donald Trump. He apparently quit Trump's team last year, and has somehow worked his way into the arms of Alex Jones.

A few weeks ago Jones published a video in which he said that he had been told that Trump was an infowarrior and was also anti-NWO. But just a few days later, after feigning neutrality on the Israel-Palestine conflict, Donald Trump got up on the podium at AIPAC and betrayed everyone by basically saying that, after beefing up the US military (as if it isn't beefed up to the max already) he would back Israel with the US military against not just Palestine but also Iran.

This is a family show so I will not repeat how I have been describing this betrayal by Trump at AIPAC. But just to show how much of a betrayal that speech at AIPAC was, Infowars sent David Knight to cover this event. Infowars would love to do to Trump what Trump did to the Zionists at AIPAC (again, I will not repeat my description because this is a family show). Infowars report virtually everything that Trump says. But have Infowars reported on THAT epic betrayal by Trump at AIPAC? Naaarp.

But Stone seemed quite pleased with Trump's betrayal, saying, "This is the new Trump", referring to the fact that that speech was the first that Trump had given from a written version. Which means that he had taken time to flesh out his ideas, which means that he really meant them at AIPAC.

I do not believe that Stone is behind al Qaeda in anyway, but Stone brags that he was the one who got George W Bush into the White House in 2000. The globalists wanted W in because he would then be surrounded by PNAC in preparation for 9/11. And when 9/11 occured, PNAC pounced and the USA went to war, first to get the opium harvests restored in Afghanistan, but after that to execute a plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years, most if not all of whom were unfriendly, at the least, to Israel, but some were outright enemies of Israel, e.g. Syria.

We still feel the shockwaves of 9/11 today because, by 2007, that plan for war and regime change was moribund, so a plan B was implemented: create a series of revolutions in some of those seven nations, using international cutthroat Jihadis, but provide them with cover as 'freedom fighters' so that they could be supported politically and militarily. That cover we know as The Arab Spring.

And we still feel the shockwaves of the financial crisis of 2007/8. In the UK the City of London was bailed out with £1 TRILLION!


As a result the Tories are dumping that debt on the poor and disabled.

Could that financial crisis have been stopped?


The Governor of New York at the time was Eliot Spitzer, and he was about to expose and stop the machinations of Wall Street.

But what happened?

Dodgy Roger Stone exposed Spitzer for using prostitutes, and Spitzer was forced to resign. As a consequence, Spitzer's anti-Wall Street work was quashed, and the rest is history: Bilderberg banks got bailed out and bought their competitors who were not bailed out; the rest of us suffer austerity.

Isn't it very curious that Stone, who enabled all this (PNAC wars and a global financial crisis which empowereed Bilderberg banks), is backing Trump and allying with Confederate General Alex Jones (whose family is riddled with CIA)?

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