Wednesday, April 06, 2016


The demise of Donald Trump has hopefully begun.

He is a liar.

He is a Zionist.

And he is one of 0.001% and is looking out for himself.

So why is Trump a liar? Several times he has said that he opposed the wars in Iraq and Libya. Yes, he did oppose them...but only after they had ended. Before those wars started he supported them. But each time he has been asked about this he says he opposed them, but forgets to say that before they started he supported them. This is very dangerous because it shows that he deludes himself, that he doesn't learn, and he is gung-ho. And it is very concerning that he thinks that the US military is weak!!

Which leads into the second point: Donald Trump is a Zionist.

Before AIPAC 2016 a few weeks ago, Trump was stating that he thought Benjamin Netanyahu was "a great guy", and that nobody loved Israel as much as Trump. But at the same time he was also saying that he was going to be neutral on the Israel-Palestine conflict in order to broker a deal. But when he stood up on that podium at AIPAC? Oh boy! Trump sucked Zionist cock like nobody had sucked Zionist cock before! This is extremely disturbing because in December last year, Trump told the Republican Jewish Coalition that he didn't need their money and that he couldn't be bought. He also refused to answer a question about moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which provoked a few boos. But when Trump spoke at AIPAC, Trump displayed epic Zionism by:
1. accusing Iran of being the troublemaker in the Middle East;
2. backing Israel with the US military against the Palestinians;
3. obviously influenced by the previous booing, stating that he would recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and would move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

As I said, this was from a man who said he could not be bought by Jewish money and would remain neutral in the Israel-Palestine conflict: a total betrayal.

He has also previousle expressed support for Saudi Arabia against Iran...even though it was Saudi Arabia who participated in 9/11 and has unleashed all those international cutthroat terrorists onto Syria!!

So onto the last point: Trump is a member of not just the 1%, not even the 0.01%. No. Trump is a member of the 0.001%. A multi-billionaire, with claims that he is worth $10 billion.

So how did Trump make such money? Well, he claims that he built his business from scratch. WRONG!! He inherited at least $20 million but possibly as much as $200 million. And his racist KKK father greased the wheels of Donald's business with a underhand deal here and a secreat deal there. Trump also stated that he was 'given' Manhattan from his father.

But one of the proposals of Trump is that he will bring jobs back to America. So with such a huge business empire, has Trump always used American labour?


Documents and interviews reveal the personal role that Mr Trump played in negotiating the deal. Participants said they could not recall Mr Trump expressing a preference that products be made in the US.

"Finding the biggest company with the best practices is what was important to him," said Jeff Danzer, who was vice president of the company hired by Mr Trump to broker the deal. "Finding a company that made in America was never something that was specified."

Today, Donald J. Trump Collection shirts - as well as eyeglasses, perfume, cuff links and suits - are made in Bangladesh, China, Honduras and other low-wage countries.

Mr Trump's daughter Ivanka, a vice president at his company and frequent campaign surrogate, markets hundreds of additional products under her own line of jewellery and clothing, many of which are made in China.

[source : How Donald Trump profited from the foreign labour he says is killing US jobs, SMH,, 14th March 2016]

So what we have with Trump is a racist, privileged, white American male.

Total liar.

Total Zionist.

Total exploiter.

Total hypocrite.

He could easily get into The White House and betray all those statements he has made...just like any other politician.

But he would be very easily persuaded into war for Israel against Iran...just like any other politician.

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