
Saturday, April 09, 2016


I can think of two examples of unchallenged neo-Confederacy on Infowhores:
1. Pastor Chuck Baldwin, who said Robert E Lee opposed slavery when Lee was in charge of the Army fighting to protect slavery;
2. Thomas DiLorenzo, who claimed that the Confederate states seceded not over slavery but over a tariff, even though all ordinances of secession state the primary reason for secession was to protect slavery (and the Texas ordinance is the most white supremacist of them all!).

Infowhores have also attacked Lincoln, calling him a hypocrite for freeing the slaves.

So it came as no shock to find an old clip of Alex Jones on his show stating that his ancestors were colonels and generals in the Confederate Army!

And not only that, on a different show he claimed that half his family was CIA!

So WTF is going on here?

How has he been able to hijack the 'resistance' and then push neo-Confederacy, and also push JBS/Libertarian propaganda dressed up as 'the truth'?

Indeed, should Infowhores be prosecuted under the American version of the Trades Description Act?

Jones must reveal the intimate relationship between his family and the treasonous, disgusting Confederate States of America (and also the CIA). Feelings about the Confederacy must run deep and strong in the Jones family. Men don't fight to protect the institution of slavery because they have nothing else to do. Such men MUST have believed, and believed strongly, in slavery. But has that feeling been passed down from Confederate generation to Confederate generation within the Jones family? Are swords and flags used in battles against the Union kept in a garage and brought out once a year in a ceremony of remembrance of their Confederate ancestors? Were the Jones family slaveholders, or involved in the slave trade at all? Did they catch runaway slaves?

We don't know.

Jones will rant about anything and everything...but will not say who is Confederate ancestors were.


So what is the intimate relationship between Alex Jones' family and The Confederate States of America?

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