
Sunday, April 10, 2016


Would socialism allow people like George Soros to amass such a fortune so that he could manipulate global events for his masters?

The first 2 statements cannot be backed up. Under any other kind of system the internet and twitter may have been developed to facilitate social communication. The same goes for smartphones.

And then there is this colossal failure in references, in which PJW cites Margaret Thatcher and Winston Churchill as trusted authorities on socialism:

Thatcher began the liberalisation of The City of London which led to the financial crisis of 2007/8. She also crushed the trade unions in the UK when she took on the miners, which has led us to importing cheap shite coal while we stand on 200 years of the best coal in the world. She was also top mates with paedo Jimmy Savile.

And as for Churchill, he was the British Royal family's man in Parliament, and he was the man who engineered the secret 1912 naval agreement between France and Great Britain that dragged Great Britain into WW1. He loved imperialism and wars.

Venezuela is also cited by PJW. Venezuela is a top target for American imperialism. That's why they ran a coup against Hugo Chavez. But that toilet roll shortage is not due to socialism. It is down to greedy capitalists exploiting a loophole. For an explanation of the reason for the shortage in toilet roll in Venezuela read An economist just explained Venezuela's chronic shortage of toilet paper.

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