
Saturday, May 28, 2016


When someone deals big time with the mob, for example building with mob-supplied concrete instead of with strong steel girders, then alarm bells ring.

And when that someone's "greatest friend" turns out to have covered up the murder of several boys, procured children for a CIA satanic cult, been the lawyer for the New York mob, implicated in the muder of JFK, and was the conduit of sleaze for the FBI to the media, then those alarm bells ring even louder.

And when that someone also bought into a CIA/mob casino that was established for money laundering, avoided personal bankruptcy owing hundreds of millions of dollars when he got bailed out by Alan Greenspan when it went tits up, and several decades later was done for money laundering in that same casino, then those alarm bells ring even louder.

And when that someone claims to be an infowarrior but sucks Zionist cock at AIPAC, pldeges to defend and cherish Israel, and calls Benjamin Netanyahu a "great guy" after Netanyahu had murdered 520 destitute and defenceless children in Gaza the previous year, those alarm bells ring louder and louder.

And when that someone claims to have opposed several wars (for Israel) but it turns out that before and as those wars (for Israel) started he was calling for those wars (for Israel), those alarm bells ring even louder and louder and louder.

And when that someone selects a man who organised PR for several brutal dictators brought to power by the CIA and MI6 to run his campaign, those alarm bells ring even louder and louder and louder.

And when that someone's 'insider', whose heroes include Nazi King Edward VIII and Roy Cohn, assisted W into the White House in 2000 to enable the PNAC wars (which Trump claims to have opposed but actually supported), and also scuttled the investigation into Wall Street that allowed Wall Street to fuck the global economy in 2007/8 and impose Bilderberg austerity on the whole planet, those alarm bells ring even louder and louder and louder and louder.

And when that someone is promoted by someone who worships slavery-loving, backstabbing traitor Andrew Jackson, attended bad blood-drinking rituals from "the dark side" and whose family is riddled with CIA, those alarm bells ring even louder and louder and louder and louder and louder.

But, hey!

That's me.

I'm sorry.

I just don't like CIA/mob fascists.


I apologise most humbly and sincerely.

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