
Monday, May 23, 2016


The President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has been allowed to write in The Guardian promoting Turkey's alleged humanitarianism.

What sets Turkey apart is our commitment to making an actual difference on the ground and changing people’s lives – instead of pursuing hidden agendas, drawing up fancy charts or treating people in need in a condescending way.

...Turkey’s response to the humanitarian crisis in Syria is another success story. Having adopted an open-door policy towards Syrian refugees in 2011, we now host nearly 3 million Syrian nationals from diverse ethnic, religious and sectarian backgrounds. In the past five years Turkey has allocated $10bn to provide Syrian refugees with free healthcare, education and housing. At a time when the international community failed the Syrian people – 600,000 of whom have lost their lives in the civil war, with 13 million forced from their homes – Turkey, along with the rest of Syria’s neighbours, was left to deal with the conflict’s consequences. As the Syrian civil war enters its sixth year, we are calling on the world to create a fair mechanism for sharing the burden.

The international community in particular has largely ignored its responsibilities toward the Syrian people by turning a blind eye to Bashar al-Assad’s crimes against his own citizens. It was not until refugees appeared in the streets of Europe and terrorist organisations such as Islamic State started attacking EU citizens that European leaders realised they could no longer ignore the problem. Many Syria-related problems could have been avoided had the world intervened in the early stages of the conflict. But it’s not too late if European leaders are ready to make the right commitments today.

[source : When the world failed Syria, Turkey stepped in. Now others must help., The Guardian,, 23rd May 2016]

But Turkey has been collaborating with the Syrian rebels of all persuasions from the start of the war in Syria!!

From bombarding Syrian Army positions, to shooting down Syrian fighter jets, to allowing convoys of supplies for Islamic State to enter Syria, Turkey, with its porous border with Syria, provides the warmongers with the perfect opportunity to smuggle Jihadis and their supplies into Syria.

And the war in Syria was planned decades ago. General Wesley Clark was told of a plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years shortly after 9/11. But he was told by Paul Wolfowitz in 1991 that the USA had "5 to 10 years to take out those old Soviet client regimes" in Iraq, Iran and Syria. Ten years after Wolfowitz said this he was Deputy Secretary of Defense when 9/11 occured.

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