
Saturday, May 28, 2016


In an earlier post HOW INFOWHORE ALEX JONES COULD HAVE DESTROYED THE NEW WORLD ORDER DECADES AGO BUT CHOSE TO MAKE A VERY LUCRATIVE CAREER OUT OF IT INSTEAD I implied a period of 6 years before the banks would do anything serious.

Before that 6 year time limit, 99.99999999% of people succumb to the fear and harassment of debt recovery agencies and settle, either paying their debts in full or agreeing to a repayment of a significant percentage of the debt.

I believe that we owe 0%.

So I have repaid 0%.

However, despite knowing people who have owed much less than I do, and have been taken court, I have not been even taken to court for anything.

But after 6 years I should.

This is my understanding of the situation.

That there is a time limit of 6 years.

This is why in 2006 I expected to meet someone in 2012 to help me.

During the years 2008 to 2012 I posted about legal arguments and laws, and that I was expecting a court case.

In 2012 I did meet that someone.

But after provocations and direct provision of information in the form of detailed reports, that someone decided otherwise.

That someone, and now apparently their perverted family and friends, think that the world can wait for them, and that what is far more important is to watch me undress.

That someone (and others) think that we can wait another six years, at least, despite those others selling books and DVDS on the basis that the world is about to implode this very minute (which doesn't damage their bank balance, does it?).


I demand the deletion of every form of information I sent to the Bolton Monarchy!!

I personally cannot trust them with the information that I have provided them.

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