
Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Webster Tarpley gave an interesting analysis of Trump at Left Forum last weekend, and it is now available to watch on his website.

Tarpley breaks down the Trump cult of personality, the weak attacks on Trump (which I've highlighted too), but more importantly, Trump's possible dementia, the evidence for which is his constant flip-flopping, which sometimes occurs several times in just one interview!!

As President of the United States of America he will be in charge of one of the largest and most powerful arsenals of nuclear weapons on the planet. Thus the President of the United States of America should not have dementia or Alzheimers or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or any other serious mentall illness. So I, and we all should, agree with Tarpley that Trump should release, in addition to his tax returns for the last three decades, his medical records.

We do not need a literal and bona fide mad man with his finger on the button, never mind in charge of the US military.

Remember, Trump said he is neutral on the Israel-Palestine conflict. But what did he do at AIPAC?

And Trump thinks the US military is weak, yet it has bases all over the world and the US spends four times as much on its military than the second largest military budget, which is China. I can see Trump giving the US military a budget of $1 trillion if he gets in.

And on China, Trump whines about trade deals that lead to US jobs being shipped overseas, yet he and his family exploit such trade deals by manufacturing their goods overseas in countries like China and Mexico!!

Trump claims that he was against the wars in Iraq and Libya. This is true, but only AFTER the wars started. Before those wars started he was for them, saying we should go in and grab the oil!!

These are just a few examples. I initially put them down to lying. But now I am seriously considering, given that his dad suffered from Alzheimers for 6 years, that Trump has inherited some kind of hereditary mental illness from his dad and is now showing signs of that illness.

Do you want a certifiable mad man in charge of the US military and nuclear arsenal?

I opppose Trump because of his CIA/mob connections which leave him wide open to blackmail.

But if he is also certifiable?


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