
Saturday, May 21, 2016


If someone, having told you how the world really works, asks you for assistance (thinking you may be able to help to stop evil plans from becoming reality), do you:
1. completely ignore those requests for assistance and continue having a jolly good life, expecting others to do all the work for you, and take all the risk for you, while you have a jolly good sun bathe, a great swim in the sun, get a great tan, have a great game of tennis, and maybe have a great adult party before you even think about offering to help;
2. or roll your sleeves up, stick your half-smoked cigarette/roll behind your ear, and muck in.

I asked this of someone in early 2014, having informed them of how the world works and believing that, as human beings, and having the skill set, they would be desperate to help.

But what has happened instead?:
1. no offers of help;
2. surveillance devices in my bedroom.

And not a whiff of thanks!!

My faith and trust in humanity has been totally destroyed.

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