
Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Imagine this scenario:
X buys a big stake in a casino which is actually a CIA/mob money laundering scheme.

After a few years the casino fails and X faces bankruptcy, owing hundreds of millions of dollars.

But X gets bailed out by Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, and the casino continues to operate with X as the owner.

24 years later that same casino is fined $10 million for money laundering.

What does this suggest to you about X?

To me it suggests that X is on the edge of the Wall Street/CIA/mob cabal.

If X was Bernie Sanders, Infowhores would be screaming about this like a cry-baby, with in depth analysis, videos, reports, and maybe even a competition.

But because X in the above scenario is actually Donald Trump?

Mmeh...who cares?

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