
Sunday, October 30, 2016


Remember when Infowhores called Newt Gingrich "Mister New World Order"?

Well, they did in 2011.

And Gingrich is now one of Trump's most vocal supporters. And appears very frequently on Murdoch's Fox News to express his support.

Gingrich has even signed Trump's Contract with the American Voter in which Trump promises to start deporting millions of immigrants on his first day as POTUS, and Gingrich is encouraging you to do the same.

With the campaigns of Mitt Romney and Rick Perry collapsing, the editorial board of the New Hampshire Union Leader chose to endorse Gingrich on Sunday, a move that the mainstream press immediately hailed as all-important, attempting to bestow kingmaker status on a relatively irrelevant newspaper in the grand scheme of things.

The anointment of Gingrich as Republican frontrunner is just the latest desperate bid to fool voters into supporting anyone other than Ron Paul. From Perry, to Romney, to Cain – the establishment has attempted to crown all of them as top dog – failing every time as each campaign subsequently crashes and burns.

Gingrich will inevitably follow suit because he has more skeletons in the closet than a halloween costume shop. Newt Gingrich is Mr. New World Order – a committed globalist who has publicly made clear his contempt for American sovereignty and freedom on a plethora of occasions, not least when he joined forces with Nancy Pelosi to push the Obama administration’s cap and trade agenda that would have completely bankrupted the country.

[source : Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones, Newt Gingrich: Mr. New World Order, Infowars,, 28th November 2011]

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