
Tuesday, October 04, 2016


MI5 had launched an investigation into British terror suspects, but it was shut down which led to MI5 missing a meeting between one British suspect and Mohamed 'Man in the hat' Abrini.

Well, that's what they claim now...

The result of the attacks was that the political class UK and France sceptical of war on Syria voted for bombing Syria.

Just a coincidence.

Police and MI5 could have prevented the Paris and Brussels terrorist atrocities after a secret operation targeting British suspects linked to the plot was launched months before the attacks.

But senior officers decided to halt the undercover probe three months before one of the coordinators of the Paris attacks crossed the Channel to meet extremists in Britain, it can now be disclosed.

The decision meant that investigators missed a key meeting between a group of alleged Islamic State supporters in Britain and Mohamed Abrini last summer – which could have led them to the Brussels-based cell before they carried out a wave of shootings and bombings, killing 130 people in Paris last November.

Dubbed the ‘man in the hat’, Abrini was later caught on camera fleeing Brussels airport after the bombing in March and he is accused of coordinating both the Paris and Brussels attacks.

[source : MI5 missed chance to foil Paris and Brussels terrorists: Undercover operation was halted three months before meeting between ringleader and British extremists, Daily Mail,, 4th October 2016]

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