
Saturday, October 15, 2016


A few days ago Trump admitted to having been an insider, but now claims that he is not.

Trump said that it was great being an insider.

Here is one possible perk of being an insider:
And just last week, yet another “Jane Doe” filed a suit in New York accusing Epstein and Donald Trump of raping her at a series of sex parties when she was only 13.

Trump has denied Jane Doe’s claims and his reps have said he barely knew Epstein—even though New York media in the ’90s regularly chronicled his comings-and-goings at Epstein’s Upper East Side palace, and even though Epstein had 14 private numbers for Trump and his family in his little black book. Meanwhile, Bill and Hillary Clinton have remained mum about their ties to the Palm Beach pedophile—despite evidence that shows Bill was one of the most famous and frequent passengers on Epstein’s “Lolita Express” and that Epstein donated money to the Clinton Foundation even after his conviction.

For months, talking heads have wondered whether Trump would use Epstein and his girls as a weapon against Bill and Hillary Clinton.

[source : The Billionaire Pedophile Who Could Bring Down Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, Daily Beast,, 30th June 2016]

So has Trump referred to Epstein yet? If not, why not?

He is currently using Clinton's alleged rape victims.

But I have not heard Trump refer to Epstein yet.

Trump is to appear in court on 16th December this year charged with the rape of a 13 year old girl in Epstein's appartment in New York. Two witnesses have submitted sworn signed statements supporting the allegation. However, the same girl accused Alan Dershowitz, an allegation she later withdrew.

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