
Monday, January 23, 2017


Note the highlighted paragraph.

And note the planned visit. So that's British PM this week. And now Israel's PM a week or so after.

On top of moving the U S Embassy to Jerusalem and placing a bust of Winston Churchill immediately in the Oval Office.

Priorities. Priorities. All wrong.

Arrest Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller.

Offer Syria all possible help and financial aid to crush the NATO/Zionist/Gulf monarchy-sponsored terrorists and for reconstruction, forcing Israel and Saudi Arabia to finance reconstruction of Syria.

In his first phone conversation with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday evening, new US President Donald Trump pledged close consultation in “addressing the threats posed by Iran,” unprecedented support for Israel’s security, and a determination to help Israel achieve peace with the Palestinians.

Trump also invited Netanyahu to the White House “in early February.”

The White House account of the call made no mention of plans by Trump to move the US embassy to Jerusalem; shortly earlier, Trump’s spokesman had said the administration was “at the beginning stages of even discussing” the controversial move.

The Trump-Netanyahu conversation marked what some Israeli officials hope will be the start of reset in ties with the US after years of strained relations with the Obama administration. The language used in the White House’s account of the conversation underlined the shift.

The two leaders discussed ways to “advance and strengthen the US-Israel special relationship” and to boost security and stability in the region, the White House said. Trump stressed “the importance the United States places on our close military, intelligence and security cooperation with Israel, which reflects the deep and abiding partnership between our countries.”

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