
Wednesday, July 19, 2017


A new Kurdistan-esque nation, spanning parts of Turkey, Iraq, Syria and Iran could be used as a back door for war on Iran. If the Kurds can gain autonomy in Syria and Iraq, then they might start to get uppity, perhaps encouraged by the USA, and demand autonomy from Iran.

And start a revolution and/or civil war in Iran.

And there's your war on Iran right there!

But it wouldn't be called Kurdistan, it would be called Trumpistan.

Because Trump seems to be building an alliance with the Kurds.

And it is really annoying Turkey, so much so that Turkey has just exposed ten US military bases in Syria!
ISTANBUL—In the latest display of Turkish anger at U.S. policy in Syria, the state news agency has divulged the locations of 10 U.S. military bases and outposts in northern Syria where the U.S. is leading an operation to destroy the so-called Islamic State in its self-styled capital of Raqqa.

The list published by the Anadolu news agency points to a U.S. presence from one end to the other of the Kurdish self-administration region—a distance of more than 200 miles. The Anadolu news agency even listed the number of U.S. troops in several locations and in two instances stipulated the presence of French special forces.

[source : Turkey Leaks Secret Locations of U.S. Troops in Syria, Daily Beast,, 19th July 2017]

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