
Friday, August 25, 2017


A new eclipse-inspired rinky-dinky intro to their videos cannot protect the alt-pervs at Infopervs.

Infopervs could expose Trump as the product of the rightist deep state due to his extensive connections to the Roy Cohn/ CIA/Zionist/mob network that whacked JFK...but they don't...prefering instead to portray Trump as an anti-establishment outsider (even though Trump has surrounded himself with globalist swamp-dwellers, and is not just continuing but is actually expanding America's wars and imperialism: Afghanistan; North Korea; Venezuela; Syria).

Infopervs could expose President Andrew Jackson as the Godfather of the Confederacy...but they don't...prefering instead to portray Jackson as a man of the people who slew the bankers (when in reality Jackson was one of the most powerful slaveholders in the United States, a witting/unwitting British agent who destroyed the American economy, who began the removal of native Americans to make way for slaveholding planters to build plantations in soon-to-be Confederate states like Mississippi, forced the South to be dependent upon slavery, and empowered the Rothschilds).

Infopervs could expose the hypocrisy of Trump in hugging the Stars and Stripes proclaiming that he will make America great again by hiring American and buying American while Trump Winery and Trump's Mar-a-Lago are looking to hire specifically cheap foreign labour, and while he gives his glamorous daughter Ivanka an office in the White House most of her clothing and accessories are made in cheap Communist Chinese sweatshops.

And Alex himself could 'fess up about the activities of his Confederate and CIA family, particularly the names of the Confederate colonels and generals in his family who fought under General Robert E Lee to defend negro slavery, and what his late uncle Biff did in Guatemala for the CIA...but he won't...because it would explain why he is the self-proclaimed leader of 'the resistance'.

Alex and his alt-pervs at Infopervs will not expose any of this.

So guess what they want you to do?

Yep. Go on a hunt-the-penis competition!

Say what?

They want you to watch videos of Michelle Obama's crotch. Yeah, apparently Michelle Obama is transgender...and nobody in her life knew!! From her very first cry as a newborn baby she was transgender...and not even her parents, or family, or friends, or work colleagues knew!

Yep. While Trump wades back into the deadly Afghanistan quicksand, bombs and plonks bases in Syria, assists that "cancer on the world", Saudi Arabia in infanticide and creating a humanitarian crisis in Yemen, and allows Israel to ethnically cleanse Gaza, guess what Infopervs want you to do.

They want you to watch videos of Michelle Obama's crotch.

Remember when regular Infopervs guest, the "libertine" Roger Stone, advertised on the adult underground website Dark Cavern for some you-know-what...


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