
Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Alex Jones, the descendant of Confederate top brass and nephew to a late uncle who was the Oliver North for the CIA in Guatemala, has posted an interesting video about what happened in Charlottesville.

Breaking: State Department/CIA Orchestrated Charlottesville Tragedy

Case closed, right?

Fields supported Clinton and was a member of Antifa. A State Dept employee linked to Kony filmed the crash and it went viral.

Case closed, right?

Er, nope.

First, where is the evidence that Fields supported Clinton and was a member of Antifa? None is provided.

And then what about this State Dept geezer, Brennan Gilmore ?

Well, much is being made that he worked for the State Department in CAR, and just happened to be in Charlottesville that day.


And look what happened:
Last Sunday evening, I received a worried call from my sister asking if I had spoken with my mother and father. I had spent the day doing interviews about the vehicle attack I witnessed the day before while protesting the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville and had not been in front of a computer all day. She told me that my parents’ home address had been posted on a neo-Nazi conspiracy theorist message board.

“They are suggesting that you arranged the attack, Brennan,” she said. “There are death threats against you.”

I did not want the attention posting the video was likely to bring. I consulted with friends and family, some of whom were also at the counterprotest and some of whom were watching the coverage from outside Charlottesville. They all urged me to share the video, and when I heard from friends that some media outlets were suggesting that it might have been an accident or that the driver might have been attempting to escape an angry mob, I knew I had to post it. The video I took—and the scene I witnessed with my own two eyes—clearly showed the attack was intentional. Fields drove down two empty blocks and plowed straight into the crowd before fleeing in reverse.

...Desperate to lay blame on anyone besides the alt-right, they seized on these facts to suggest a counter-narrative to the attack, claiming there was no way that someone with my background just happened to be right there to take the video. Even ignoring the fact that someone with my background—raised in Virginia, UVA graduate, lives in Charlottesville, worked to resolve ethnic conflicts overseas, politically progressive—is exactly the kind of person you’d expect to find at a protest against Nazis, their theories were absurd and illogical. They wrote that I was a CIA operative, funded by (choose your own adventure) George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, the IMF/World Bank, and/or a global Jewish mafia to orchestrate the Charlottesville attack in order to turn the general public against the alt-right. I had staged the attack and then worked with MSNBC and other outlets controlled by the left to spread propaganda. They claimed my ultimate goal was to start a race war that would undermine and then overthrow Donald Trump on behalf of the “Deep State.” (I’m generalizing here as the theories are widely variant and logically inconsistent, and I’m only aware of the small percentage I could be bothered to read.)

[source : Brennan Gilmore, How I became fake news, Politico,, 21st August 2017]

One thing to recall: Fields was very pro-Nazi, even in school as reported by his history teacher, and is a registered Republican.

So what Jones etc, is asking us to believe is that Gilmore organised it for a lifelong Nazi to pretend become a Clinton supporter, then switch back to pretending to be a Nazi, go to Charlottesville in his car, protest as a Nazi, then get in his car and drive down a street into some anti-Nazis at a time and place designated by Gilmore (coz Gilmore is CIA, right?) so that Brennan, who was there in his home town protesting against Nazis with friends and family, could video his dupe Fields driving into a crowd of anti-Nazis, killing a woman, and then be the first to post the video online.

Brennan subsequently received death threats.

The home address of his parents was posted on neo-Nazi websites!!

Nope. I don't buy it.

Until evidence is provided that Fields was not a Nazi trumper but was in fact a Clintonista and member of Antifa then this is just a load of Nazi/Confederate you-know-what designed to blame Clinton because a bona fide Nazi killed a woman. Yes, there is something not right about Jason Kessler. But I cannot accept that Fields was a dupe of Gilmore, both of whom plotted that Fields would drive down a particular street at a designated time in order to kill some anti-Nazis so that Gilmore could film it and post it online.

Charlottesville : there was violence on both sides, but a bona fide Nazi drove his car into a crowd of anti-Nazis and killed Heather Heyer.

Case closed.

No need for alt-right prop to blame it all on alt-left.

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