
Monday, September 25, 2017


On 9/11 the USA was attacked. Nearly 3000 people died. America and its allies went to war for revenge, and have been at war ever since, either overtly in Iraq and Libya, or covertly in Syria. Many believe that Israel and Saudi Arabia played and still play pivotal roles in the 9/11 attack and the subsequent warmongering. Who has benefitted from the wars? Israel and Saudi Arabia. They have the common enemy of Shia Iran and its allies.

Bomber Trump's Zionism is without question. He claims that nobody loves Israel more than him.

But on the Saudis, he expressed several times that he thinks Saudi Arabia played a role in 9/11, and he also suggested that he would release some evidence that has been classified that some think would implicate Saudi Arabia in 9/11. This evidence is known as 'the 28 pages'. This apparent opposition to Saudi Arabia probably helped to get 'the 9/11 troofers' on his side. But what was one of the first things Trump did? He flew to Riyadh, agreed a $350 billion weapons and defence deal with the Saudis, and forged an alliance with the Saudis (who did 9/11 and unleashed the Jihadis) against Iran (who didn't do 9/11 and is fighting the Jihadis). In other words, a total betrayal of his base.

So if Israel and Saudi Arabia did 9/11, then who is the real "son of a bitch", as Trump refers to football players in the NFL who take the knee when the US national anthem is played before each game?

It looks to me like Trump is OK with head-chopping Wahhabis who kill children in Yemen with American bombs, but not OK with a peaceful protest against racism in the USA.

Bomber Trump is assisting Saudi genocide in Yemen.

He now demands fealty to the state and its symbols, and indirectly to him.

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