
Sunday, October 08, 2017


GEOTUS Trump used to call Roy Cohn his "greatest friend".

Citing the former head of the vice squad for one of America's biggest cities,
Cohn's job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn's job was to set them up, then they would go along. Cohn told me that himself.
Cohn's sexual blackmail operation was linked to the cult involved in the Son of Sam killings. This cult was The Process Church of the Final Judgement. According to Berkowitz, one of the participants, The Process provided children for sex at parties held by wealthy people. Berkowitz stated that one of these parties was held at Cohn's house in Connecticut where he first met Roy Cohn.

[source : Nebula: A Politcal Murder Traces back to NWO's Absolute Power, by Walter Baeyens

Cohn’s sexual blackmail operation may have even included the cult that Maury Terry alleges was behind the Son of Sam killings. Terry conducted a meticulous investigation into the Son of Sam murders and gathered compelling evidence that David Berkowitz was only one participant in what was, in fact, a string of cult killings. The cult behind these crimes was the satanic group known as the Process Church of the Final Judgement. According to David Berkowitz, the Process provided children for sex at parties held by wealthy people in Westchester, Manhattan, Connecticut, and Long Island (Terry 534). Berkowitz informed Terry that one of these parties were held at Cohn house in Connecticut and Berkowitz even got to meet the infamous McCarthy aide during the party (534). This may explain the satanic aspects of the deviant sex rings being exposed by Fiore, Martin, and Kunz. It may also explain why there were so many satanic features to the Kunz murder.

[source : The Deep Politics of God Revisited, Conspiracy Archive,, 17th January 2015]

I'll ask the obvious question: how could Trump NOT know?

Well, Trump does like them young. Remember that time he told a young girl he had just met on an escalator that in 10 years time he would be dating her? And then there's his obvious lust for his glamorous daughter Ivanka?

If Trump reveals all he knows about Cohn...

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