
Thursday, October 12, 2017


Remember when Bomber Trump said that nobody loves Israel more than him?

Well, not only is Weinstein a competitor in the sexual deviant competition, Weinstein also loves Israel...A LOT!!
The New York Times, New Yorker, and numerous other news outlets have been reporting widely on accusations that movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, sometimes called one of the most powerful people in Hollywood, sexually assaulted actresses for decades. Some of the news stories point out that Weinstein has been known as a supporter of progressive causes and raised money for Hillary Clinton, but none mention his longtime support for Israel. Weinstein’s father fought in the Haganah (precurser to today’s IDF) during Israel’s founding war to expel the indigenous Palestinian population.

...Oscar-winning film producer Harvey Weinstein expressed his deep love and appreciation for the Jewish state on Monday, saying, “I am an Israeli in my heart and mind.”

Speaking on the red carpet at The Algemeiner‘s fourth annual gala in New York City, Weinstein emphasized, “I love that country, I love what it stands for, I am proud to be Jewish.”

[source : VIDEO: Movie Mogul Harvey Weinstein – “I Am Israeli in My Heart & Mind”, Zionist Report,, 11th October 2017]

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