
Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Daddy has given Ivanka an office in the White House to allegedly help him make America great again.

Yet her clothing and accessories products are made overwhelmingly in cheap Communist Chinese sweatshops! And she was encouraged to do this years ago by daddy. Coz, didn't you know, nobody in America can make a skirt or a dress, right?

Anyhooz, Ivanka has tried to promote daddy's MAGA agenda with this sycophantic tweet:

The problem is that the Dow Jones Index is currently being driven by the following corporations:
Boeing, $258 per share, up 66% YTD
Apple, $155 per share, up 34% YTD
Caterpillar, $126 per share, up 37% YTD
McDonalds, $160 per share, up 31% YTD
United Health, $196 per share, up 22% YTD
Visa, $107 per share, up 37% YTD

Boeing is due to Trump's treason in Riyadh with that $350 billion weapons and defence deal, plus the $700 billion for the Pentagon.

Apple and McDonalds are just your standard globalist corporations.

United Health is due to Trump's attacks on healthcare.

Visa is ushering in the cashless society.

I can't explain Caterpillar's success.

But is this something to be happy about? That the military-industrial complex/globalist corporations are driving the DJI?

But it's Boeing that's the main driver. Boeing of the military-industrial complex. And that's due to Saudi Arabia which assisted the attack on the USA on 9/11 (and Trump knows it).

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