
Sunday, October 01, 2017


Can you guess what it is?

Donald Trump, Jeffrey Epstein and Hugh Hefner all liked to party with underage girls.

Epstein ran a sex ring (for Mossad?) using underage girls, and Trump used to hang out with him (he now denies ever knowing Epstein), and flew on Epstein's Lolita Express.

Trump held underage-sex-and-ccocaine parties where sleazy old men would provide underage female model wannabes with alcohol and cocaine (the game was the old men would have sex in exchange for favours for the girls hoping to break into modelling), and where Trump himself was "a f***ing beast...getting laid like crazy".

And now it looks like Hefner used to film himself and his friends doing the same thing Trump did as just described above! Trump and Hefner were friends and hung out together at the Playboy mansion, but they gradually drifted apart.

HUGH Hefner’s Playboy Mansion was a hotbed of underage sex, drugs and prostitution, it has been claimed.

Jennifer Saginor, whose dad was Hef’s live-in personal doctor for 40 years, is making a TV documentary to expose the allegedly illegal acts she witnessed there.

She sensationally accuses Hefner of videoing young girls.

...“It took a long time for me to realise that some of those men at the mansion were perverts and paedophiles.

“There were always underage girls there and he loved to film them.”

Jennifer, 48, added: “A lot of men at the Playboy parties were into teenage girls.

“These girls were often drugged. As well as Quaaludes – which were flown in direct from a manufacturer in Switzerland – they were given endless shots of Demerol and Halcion.

[source : Hugh Hefner 'loved to film underage girls while his guests included paedos & pervs' , Daily Star,, 1st October 2017]

So if Hefner was running an operation similar to Epstein, possibly for blackmail material, and Trump was his 'friend', then did Trump try something similar for himself or someone else? Or is there a tape of Trump with a girl?

This is partially why I object to Trump as GEOTUS. He hung out with this type of crowd, and his "greatest friend" Roy Cohn ran peadophile rings for the CIA. He is easily blackmailable, which would explain why he has betrayed his base so much so quickly.

Deep state, anyone?

But which deep state?

The American deep state? Or the Israeli deep state?

Or is there just one true deep state with branches and sub-branches (e.g. leftist and rightist) in every country?

I think the latter.

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