
Friday, October 06, 2017


And what's that?

Decertify the Iran deal.

Even though everyone says Iran is complying, and many around him tell him not to pull out, Trump's gotta do what Trump's gotta do: decertify the Iran deal.

So what will happen next?

Congress will slap more sanctions on Iran. Iran will retaliate in some way. The USA and Israel, probably the Saudis too, will push for Kurdish independence. Iran will put down the Iranian Kurdish (CIA-sponsored colour) revolution. Trump declares war on Iran.

It will be something like that. Not exactly like that, but something like that.

What you have to remember is that 'they' did 9/11 to get Iran. Those planes flying into the WTC and the Pentagon, all those people jumping out of 90th floor windows to escape the flames, the dust from the collapse of the WTC, the wars to take out Iran's allies. It was all done to get Iran.

But Iran still stands strong and is becoming stronger as it assists Syria and Russia to defeat the US/Israel/Saudi-sponsored cutthroat Jihadis.

And then along comes Trump, claiming that nobody loves Israel more than him, and he's going to rip up the Iran deal, and he tells AIPAC that, and he's going to beef up the US military, and give Israel more money and more support, and totally betrays his base by allying with the Saudis with a $350 billion weapons and defence deal.

And now he is going to do what his son said was the prime reason he wanted to become GEOTUS: pull out of the Iran deal.

Trump's gotta do what Trump's gotta do.

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