
Friday, November 03, 2017


Remember Bernie Sanders?

He could have destroyed Trump on election day.

But he wasn't given the chance.

Because the Democrat Party screwed him.

The two most significant events in the last 20 years are 9/11 (blamed on Israel) and the financial crisis of 2007/8 (blamed on Wall Street).

Sanders wanted both Wall Street and Israel tamed, and he had massive support.

But Trump wants Wall Street and Israel unleashed, as well to go after Iran.

Israel and Wall Street do not want be tamed. They want to be unleashed.

But Trump couldn't screw Sanders. Only Hillary and the Democrats could.

So they did.

And when it was just him v Hillary, to drum up support Trump said he was going to appoint a Special Prosecutor to lock her up. But instead, at his inauguration lunch he led a standing ovation to Hillary, said he was proud and honoured they were there, and has not appointed any kind of prosecutor to lock her up. And it is he who is being investigated. But so far there is little to pin on Trump, i.e. it could all be one giant scam. As FBI Director, Mueller could have nailed Trump years ago for money laundering at a CIA/mob money laundering front, but didn't. So far all that Mueller has found is that Manafort did something dodgy years ago.

It was Comey's public letter in very late October 2016 that produced a 4% swing to Trump, from which Hillary never recovered.

If Hillary really is NWO then she knows too much.

It was always the anyone-but-the-Bern election.

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