
Monday, November 06, 2017


Rightist deep state operative Dodgy Roger Stone thinks that recent events in and around Saudi Arabia signal the downfall of the globalists.

He could not be more wrong.

All that has happened is that we took at least one more step towards war on Iran.

First, let us recall who Dodgy Roger Stone is.

1. was the lover of deep, dark CIA agent Roy Cohn, who ran paedophile networks for the CIA, and veteran NYPD investigator Jim Rothstein believes that Stone helped Cohn to run these networks;
2. helped to buy the 1980 election for Reagan by delivering a $125k bung from Cohn;
3. organised a riot in Florida to stop a recount which helped to put Florida in George W Bush's column, which got W into the White House to enable 9/11 and the PNAC wars which still continue today;
4. scuttled Eliot Spitzer and his investigation into corrupt Wall Street practices, which allowed the financial crisis of 2007/8 to develop into the global crisis that it became;
5. wrote a book on the JFK assassination which attempts to pin the blame on LBJ alone.

To me, these actions stink of rightist deep state.

Let us also recall that Trump accused the Saudis of 9/11, but the first thing he did was fly to Riyadh, agree a $350 billion weapons and defence deal with the Saudis, and forged an anti-terror alliance against Iran.

Quick reminder for Infowars: you have accused Israel and that "cancer on the world" Saudi Arabia of complicity in 9/11.

9/11 was done to get Iran. PNAC identified Iran as the prime threat to US national security. And Israel sees Iran as the prime threat to their national security.

Shortly after 9/11, General Wesley Clark was informed of a plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years. Five of those seven have experienced war and/or regime change. The other two named, Iran and Somalia, have not yet, but the USA is gradually becoming more and more involved in Somalia, recently bombing Islamic State who have been allowed to escape from Iraq and Syria to set up camp in Somalia and Iran to give pretext for war and/or regime change.

The man behind the recent purge in Saudi Arabia is crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman. It is Salman who started the war in Yemen, which Bomber Trump continues to assist today. Bin Salman also wants war on Iran in Iran.

So let us also recall why Trump ran for the presidency. It was not to make America great again (which is why Ivanka's stuff is made in cheap Communist Chinese sweatshops, and why Trump's Mar-a-Lago and Trump Winery hire cheap foreign labour despite Trump telling the whole world at his inauguration to buy American, hire American). Nope. The reason why Trump ran for the Presidency was Iran.

So we have the following:
1. a hypocrite of an ultra-Zionist POTUS who claims to want to make America great again, but he became POTUS to get Iran, and who hires cheap foreign labour at every opportunity, and who accused the Saudis for 9/11 but then makes a massive weapons deal with the Saudis and helps them in their war in Yemen, and the two target Iran (the Saudis did 9/11 and unleashed the Jihadis while Iran didn't do 9/11 and is actually fighting the Jihadis);
2. a chaotic Saudi king-in-waiting who started the war on Yemen, and who wants war on Iran in Iran;
3. a sycophantic Zionist Infowars who cheer when a few more bartender jobs are created but who say nothing of Trump's shocking hypocrisy by allying with Israel and the Saudis (who Infowars have accused of 9/11 several times).

And then there is the resignation of Hariri in Lebanon, citing concerns for his own safety due to alleged plots from Iran. Hariri resigned shorlty after a trip to Saudi Arabia where he met with bin Salman.

And that resignation pleased Israel greatly:
The Israeli regime has made no attempt to conceal its glee over Hariri’s actions. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed the Lebanese prime minister’s resignation and statements in Riyadh as “a wake-up call for the international community to act against Iranian aggression.”

The country’s thuggish Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman went on Twitter to write: “Lebanon=Hezbollah. Hezbollah=Iran. Lebanon=Iran. Iran is dangerous to the world. Saad Hariri has proved that today. Period.”

The Jerusalem Post was even more explicit, stating, “Now, it seems that Hariri has given Israel more legitimacy for a full-scale and uncompromising campaign against Iran and Lebanon, not only Hezbollah, should a war in the north break out.”

[source : Lebanese crisis bound up with war drive against Iran, WSWS,, 6th November 2017]

The purges have nothing to do with destroying the globalists and everything to do with Iran.




Iran is why they did 9/11.

Iran is why Trump became President.

If he wanted to make America great again then:
1. why does he hire cheap foreign labour;
2. and ally with the two nations that Infowars accuse of 9/11 and unleashing the Jihadis?

And why, oh why, is David Icke still appearing on Infowars?

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