
Tuesday, November 21, 2017


We don't know why.

His statements and tweets before his inauguration suggested that he was anti-Saudi Arabia and suspected their involvement in 9/11. But in May this year he flew to Riyadh, did the Saudi sword dance, agreed a $350 billion weapons and defence deal, and forged an alliance with the Saudis (who did 9/11 and unleashed the cutthroat Jihadis) against Iran (who didn't do 9/11 and is fighting the cutthroat Jihadis).

So why did Bomber Trump betray his base so quickly?

The answer is simple: Israel.

Bomber Trump claims that nobody loves and is more loyal to Israel than he is. Yes, that is the President of the United States of America who says that. Can you believe that?

Anyway, there is overwhelming evidence that Israel and Saudi Arabia were complicit in 9/11. Infowars made a fortune out of saying this many, many times. Infowars also made a fortune out of accusing intel agencies such as the FBI of running Islamic terror. But since Bomber Trump became President Infowars do not make those accusations anymore.

Bomber Trump has also stated that Benjamin Netanyahu, after murdering 520 children in Gaza in 2014, is "a great guy". Gaza is a shit hole thanks to Israel's policies of war, illegal blockades and illegal withholding of tax, and is expected to become uninhabitable by 2020.

9/11 was executed to kick off a series of wars in North Africa and the Middle East to take out enemies of Israel. The plan was revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11. Seven countries in five years were to be taken out using 9/11 as the pretext, even though none of them had anything to do with 9/11. Those seven countries were Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon (for Hezbollah), Sudan, Somalia and Libya.

A Zionist organisation called the Project for a New American Century published a document in 2000 entitled Rebuilding America's Defenses in which Iran and Iraq were named as the greatest threats to American national security. It just so happens that Iran and Iraq were also the two biggest threats to the national security of Israel. The Zionists of PNAC intersected with a group who wrote a document for Netanyahu in 1996 entitled A Clean Break which called for Israeli aggression againt Iran, Iraq, Syria and Hezbollah.

So after 9/11 what happened?
war on Iraq in 2003;
war on Lebanon/Hezbollah in 2006;

But due to the war in Iraq not going so well the American public were by 2006 sick of war. So a Plan B hatched by the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia was enacted, which involved unleashing the worst cutthroat Jihadis onto Iran, Syria and Lebanon. These Jihadis were portrayed as 'freedom fighters' in NATO media after the US State Dept engineered The Arab Spring.

But for whatever reason these Jihadis were first unleashed onto Libya, where with NATO air support and assistance from British Special Forces on the ground they eventually killed Gaddafi. The sick irony is that Gaddafi was actually giving the names of Jihadis in Libya to MI6 and the CIA!

Around this time an uprising occured in Syria, so the Jihadis were smuggled into Syria. Former French foreign minister Roland Dumas was asked by British security officials 2 years before this happened to organise the smuggling lines but he refused. The Jihadis began to create havoc in Syria with funding from the Saudis and other Gulf states. But they failed to oust Assad, who chased them out of Syria. A US DIA report in 2012 proposed the rise of a Salafist state to isolate Assad. This was allowed to occur and we know that state as Islamic State. NATO nations and others encouraged and allowed potential Jihadis to join Islamic State to oust and/or kill Assad as part of the plan revealed to General Wesley Clark mentioned above. Assad now looks safe after Russia, Iran and Hezbollah fought alongside the brave Syrian Arab Army, who fought an onslaught of Saudi-backed cannibals for years...and have won!!

I salute the brave SAA. The world owes them a huge debt.

So of the seven nations named to Clark, Iraq and Libya have seen war and regime change, while Lebanon experienced a short war in 2006. Syria was invaded by a proxy force of Saudi/Israeli-backed cutthroat Jihadis. An anti-Israel Sudan was divided in 2010 into a Sudan and a South Sudan, with South Sudan being pro-Israel and receiving Israeli aid and weapons.

So what can we read today regarding this plan for war and regime change?

There are now the largest number of US troops in Somalia since 1993.

Saudi Arabia is meddling in Lebanese affairs, provoking a war with Hezbollah.

Saudi Arabia is bombing Yemen into oblivion, claiming Iran is causing trouble there.

Israel says it will fight Iran on its own in Syria.

America is staying in Syria, uninvited.

And Saudi Arabia and Israel are openly discussing joint war on Iran.

What is Bomber Trump doing and saying about this?


What are Infowars saying about Trump's silence?


So why is Bomber Trump silent on this and supporting Saudi Arabia?

Here is Benjamin Netanyahu stating who controls America: Israel. Remember that Trump says that nobody loves and is more loyal to Israel than he is, and that Trump thinks Netanyahu is "a great guy":

So you see what is happening. Israel and Saudi Arabia are ganging up on Iran to finish off the plan revealed to General Wesley Clark. Saudi Arabia wants Iran destroyed. And Iran is the largest threat to Israel. And Trump is the greatest Zionist on the planet.

This is why the very influential Zionist media empires of Breitbart and Murdoch back Trump.

He could finish off Iran for Israel.

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