
Saturday, January 06, 2018


Earlier this week it was reported that the rightist deep state operative Dodgy Roger Stone had registered as a lobbyist for Capstone Financial Group who are interested in Somalia.

Somalia is one of seven countries named to General Wesley Clark which were to be targeted for war and regime change shortly after 9/11. Five of those seven have seen significant upheavals since 9/11:
war on Iraq in 2003
war on Lebanon in 2006
Sudan was divided in 2010
war on Libya in 2011
proxy war using Jihadis in Syria since 2012

Iran is the main target due to the paranoia that Israel has about Iran and its alleged nuclear weapons program.

Somalia is the seventh of the seven nations named to Clark, and is being slowly but surely invaded by the USA.

Now the regular Infowars guest Dodgy Roger Stone is lobbying for drone strikes on Somalia.

Stone recently disclosed that he had done lobbying work for a Buffalo-area company that acts as a middleman for the sale of African livestock to clients around the world. In his disclosure form, he formally said that he is pressing for “commodity rights and security” in Somalia and working on issues related to economic policy and commodity trading.

But in text messages with The Daily Beast, Stone suggested that his work for the company—investment firm Capstone Financial Group—has focused on U.S. military and foreign policy as well.

The goal, he said, is to achieve a more stable security situation in Somalia that will allow his client to more freely conduct business in that country. And that, he said, calls for an aggressive U.S. military posture.

“Capstone interests are in stability. Their business interests in the county can not be realized [if] the country is war torn,” Stone said. “The Al Queda off-shoot [sic] Al Shabaab is quite violent and deadly. The topography of Somalia unlike Afghanistan lends itself to a successful drone based US campaign against the insurgency.”

[source : Roger Stone’s New Gig: Lobbying for Drone Strikes in Somalia, Daily Beast,, 4th January 2018]

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