
Sunday, February 04, 2018


Wondering when the next war on Gaza would be?

Well, you may not have to wait much longer...coz it might be as soon as this week!

Hamas Chief in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, alongside members of the Hamas leadership and resistance factions reportedly believe the likelihood of war breaking out in the Gaza Strip in the coming days to be at ’95 percent’, according to a report published by pan-Arab newspaper Al-Hayat on Sunday.

The report quotes sources close to the Gazan leadership, principally Yahya Sinwar, to have declared the highest level of security alert and initiated an evacuation of Hamas headquarters in Gaza.

Security checkpoints have been set-up throughout the Gaza Strip over the last few days alongside a heightened police presence, according to the report.

Measures taken within the Gaza Strip come as Israeli forces amass near the border ahead of military manoeuvres and exercises in the coming days to involve air, sea, and infantry forces reportedly in the presence of American troops.

On Friday 2 February, Israeli forces launched targeted airstrikes in Gaza which destroyed an observation post reportedly run by Hamas. The strikes are believed to be in retaliation for a series of rockets launched from Gaza on Thursday 1 February and Friday 2 February.

[source : War in Gaza to break out in coming days, report says, Palestine News Network,, 4th February 2018]

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