
Tuesday, May 01, 2018


Surprisingly it is The Times of Israel that puts Netanyahu's drama into context: most of what Netanyahu revealed was known already, but it is the actual Mossad operation to find and extract the documents which steals the show.

But most commentators I've read clearly state that what Netanyahu did last night was aimed at hooking The White House into pulling out of the Iran deal.

And it looks like Trump has taken the bait, and Netanyahu is reeling Trump in.

Maybe Trump and Netanyahu collaborated on this and the drama was for the American public who are sick to death of fighting Israel's wars and cannot stomach another.

So if Trump does pull out of the Iran deal, remember what he told AIPAC in 2016, and this from his son, Eric:
“I think, honestly, the Iran nuclear deal was one of the things that made him jump into the race,” Trump told New York’s AM 970 The Answer radio. “I think that was a game changer for him.”

“That is when he finally said, ‘Kids, I am going to it. I am going to give this a real shot,’” Trump continued.

[source : Eric Trump: Obama’s Iran Deal Drove My Father to Run for President, Breitbart,, 29th May 2016]

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