
Monday, May 14, 2018


The Balfour Declaration stated the British Government's sympathy to the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, but with the caveat:
..., it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine,...

After WW1, Palestine was given to Great Britain who encouraged mass Jewish immigration into Palestine. The Zionists also collaborated with the Nazis to entice German Jews into migrating to Palestine. But Jewish immigration into Palestine was not that popular with most Jews around the world.

During WW2 the Nazis then executed the Holocaust in which 6 million Jews were allegedly murdered. This claim completely transformed thought in the Jewish community, and most began to cry out for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Many joined Jewish terrorist organisations to help create a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

In 1947 Great Britain, under pressure from the USA which was in turn under pressure from wealthy American Zionists, passed the responsibility for the solution to the Palestine Problem to the United Nations. Later that year the UN passed Resolution 181 which partitioned Palestine. At the time the population ratio was roughly 2 Palestinians to 1 Jew, but the partition gave the Jews over 50% of Palestine.

Great Britain began to withdraw its troops, and on 14th May 1948 Israel declared independence.

The next day the Jewish terrorists began to terrorise 800,000 Palestinians off their farms and out of their houses into the refugee camps of Gaza and West Bank. This is the Nakba.

So recall what was said in the Balfour Declaration:
..., it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine,...

The inmates of Gaza, because what they live in is for all intents and purposes an open air prison sewer, have been protesting this in recent weeks, with Israel shooting dead nearly 50 (including journalists) and seriously injuring well over 1000.

A medical team from Israel wants to enter Gaza to assist with the wounded. But Israel has denied them entry into Gaza.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health said that the Israeli occupation authorities prevented a government medical delegation from entering the Gaza Strip.

In a statement on Sunday that the occupation authorities refused to issue the necessary permits for members of the medical delegation formed by the Minister of Health d. Jawad Awad to assist medical personnel in the Gaza Strip.

The Ministry of Health considered this as Israeli attempt to deny treatment for the wounded and sick in the Gaza Strip.

The Ministry of Health called on international organizations to pressure Israel to allow government medical teams to enter the Gaza Strip to help medical staff working there.

[source : Israel blocks medical delegation from entering Gaza, Palestine News Network,, 13th May 2018]

So Palestinians protest against their betrayal and illegal occupation/imprisonment. They are shot and some killed. An Israeli team of medics wants to help the injured but are denied entry into Gaza.

Meanwhile, it's lights, camera, action on the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem.

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