
Tuesday, August 21, 2018


I've recently accused Paul Joseph Watson of a number of things: peeping tom perrrverrt; Zionist sell-out; manipulator.

I've said this kind of thing for years...but not been taken to court...probably...nay, 100% because it's 100% true.

But recently I have been accusing him and Alex Jones (and surprisingly and disappointingly David Icke) of being fully aware of a mob/MI5/CIA EM harassament stalking network against me, not telling me about it, and using it against me for their own enrichment and advantage.

Over last weekend I detailed an event I experienced in the winter of 1997 when I was, I strongly believed, very close to being abducted at the bus stop while I waited to catch the bus to work.

Today I find this from Jud-a$$:

No. I am not mob. Why the mob would be my in my house at 5am on an early Sunday morning in early July 1997 I don't know. You'd have to ask them. I stayed in the Saturday night. As I said, maybe it was the books I was reading at the time which MI5 were concerned about, and MI5 used their cut-outs the mob to install secret devices as plausible deniability. Maybe MI5 have used the mob in this way as plausible deniability for years...but on this one occasion I caught them? Maybe MI5 via the mob have installed secret surveillance devices in the homes of people who are/were of interest to them for years as plausible deniability? Maybe MI5 did the same thing to Watson, but he didn't find out, MI5 liked what they saw in him, didn't zap him, now we find him selling out faster than Alex Jones can hire a creep to spy on and stalk his ex-wife? We don't know.

But this is how Jud-a$$ thinks.

He and Alex think that it is OK for merchant of death Bomber Drumpf to ally with Israel and the Saudis against Iran, after Jud-a$$a and Jones had made a Rockefeller-esque fortune out of accusing Israel and the Saudis of 9/11 and calling any aggression against Iran as New World Order. But when their hero Drumpf then allies with Israel and the Saudis against Iran? Total silence. Not even after Drumpf's new best mates the Saudis slaughter 40 or so children on a school bus in Yemen with American bombs.

But he and Alex think it is OK for them to be aware of a mob/MI5/CIA EM harassment and stalking network against me, not tell me about it, and use it against me for their own enrichment and advantage.

This is how much they have sold out.

It's not about truth journalism. It's about making as much money as you can.

There are only 2 people in the world I would like to go through what I went through from spring 1998 to spring 2005 regarding EM harassment and stalking...and that is those 2 pieces of CIA/Zionist sell-out pieces of shit, Jud-a$$ and Alex Jones. I don't want anyone else to go through what I went through. I want Jud-a$$ and Jones to help me expose this nefarious network. But they won't. I would love them to experience the destabilisation, the paranoia, the anger that such attacks induce. I used to be a fit, happy, adventurous guy who loved taking my 3 springers for day-long walks in the Dales and Lake District. But after 2 to 3 years of serious EM harassment you lose that energy and thank God you made it through the night to tomorrow.

I'll tell you all now: if I was aware of any network spying on Jud-a$$ and Jones, then, no matter how much I detested them ( and I do), I would tell them about that network. I would not use it for my own personal enrichment and advantage.

But Juda-a$$ and Jones? Alleged freedom-and-privacy-loving Jud-a$$ and Jones use it and manipulate people for their own personal enrichment and advantage.

And I'll tell you the reason why Jud-a$$ and Jones will not help me expose this mob/MI5/CIA EM harassment and stalking network is because if they did they would soon be found in a large trash can with a bullet in their head...and they know it.

I mean, you do know that Jud-a$$'s best mate Alex Jones has been spying on and stalking on and defrauding his ex-wife Kelly? And the local police, courts, FBI etc are doing nothing about it. Even allowing the judge to physically assault Kelly...IN THE COURTHOUSE! What? You mean, Jud-a$$ and Alex didn't tell you?

Jud-a$$ and Jones strongly believe in Ayn Rand, who said this:
Capitalism and altruism are incompatible; they are philosophical opposites; they cannot co-exist in the same man or in the same society.

This is what drove the white European colonialists to commit the mass genocide against the native Americans, as well as the Zionist takeover of the Middle East. And yes, that is the same Zionism that Infowar$ support.


All I wanted to do was drag the banks into court. But Infowar$ thought that was too radical for them, because they all they wanted to do was write, produce a few videos, appear at a few Bilderberg conferences for PR, etc. They didn't have influence over what I wanted to do (even they've been spying on me for years), so they wanted some influence, so they've done whatever they've done to spoil my plan until they have control over it.

Because they think they're God. When they are not.

So, get lost, you masssive manipulating, peeeping tom perrrverrrt, Zionist sell-out, code-thieves!!

All you've done is expose yourselves as being complicit in mob/MI5/CIA EM harassment and stalking networks for your own enrichment and advantage.

Oh, and being massive peeeping-tom perrrverrts as well. So a massive handclap to you:

You've done exactly what the Khazars did, for the Zionists/CIA when the Khazars didn't like anyone of any intelligence who didn't agree with them: destroy them, kill them, and steal their codes to physically replace me with someone else who could take my place, codes and all, and thus be under CIA control.


We are fully aware that half of Alex's family is CIA and that Alex's late uncle Biff was the liaison between the CIA/Pentagon and their death squads in Guatemala (if I'm wrong on this Alex then please correct me and I will gladly correct my error to show the precise relationship that Biff had with CIA-Guatemala death squads).

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