
Friday, September 07, 2018


For years merchant of death Bomber Drumpf demanded that Obama should get out and stay out of Syria. He tweeted this dozens of times. And after Bilderberg Zionist Rupert Murdoch and other Zionist media (including RT and Infowar$) helped to get Drumpf elected, he has stated several times that the troops are coming home soon, very soon.

Turns out that fake opposition by Drumpf was a sham and a load of bollock$!

Because Drumpf has decided to stay in Syria. For a very, very, very long time!

Over to you, US Army Intelligence operation Infowar$.

According to State Department officials, President Trump has recently abandoned his desire to “get out” of Syria and bring US troops home. He has signed a new strategy, which includes new military goals, and eliminates all timelines for removing troops from Syria.

US troops are in several parts of Syria, mostly in the Kurdish-held northeast. An estimated 2,200 US troops are in Syria, though official numbers are being withheld from the public. Special Envoy James Jeffrey said the old plan was to leave Syria by year’s end, but now the troops are committed to an “indefinitely extended” stay.

The new goals are substantial as well, with the US now focusing on forcing Iran out of Syria and “enduring defeat” for ISIS. Jeffrey says the US is “not in a hurry” and that Trump is now on board with this idea.

[source : Trump Commits US to ‘Indefinite’ Military Presence in Syria, Antiwar,, 6th September 2018]

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