
Saturday, September 01, 2018


Read Against Our Better Judgement by Alison Weir.

Due to their submarines, in 1916 Germany was winning WW1 but was also offering peace terms, including a return to pre-1914 borders. But Great Britain rejected these offers because the Zionists told the British they could get the USA into the war on the side of the British, but in return the Zionists wanted Palestine in any post-war negotiations. The British issued The Balfour Declaration. The USA joined the war a few months later, citing an incident that had occured 2 years earlier. And at Versailles the British were awarded Palestine.

So WW1 dragged on for 2 more years...just because the Zionists wanted Palestine.

What followed was, in my opinion, and not as David Icke described as a plan hatched in the deep recesses of space by ETs for a plan for 3 world wars written by Albert Pike (no documentary evidence for which exists), but an organic dynamic plan which evolved and was adapted for the circumstances to create and then populate Palestine for the Zionists. Global Jewry had found the colonisation of Palestine very risky so they stayed where they were, despite the rise and resentment from the Nazis.

Now, I am beginning to think that had German Jews took up the offer of the Haavara Agreement arranged with the Nazis, and emigrated en masse to Palestine, then WW2 would not have occured. But because only 10% of German Jews made this move then the Zionists needed a monster to frighten not just German Jews but the whole of world Jewry to colonise Palestine. Hitler was either that monster or portrayed as that monster. Whatever. It worked. In 1946 Jewish terrorists in Palestine began to harasss and then murder and terrorise Palestinians off their lands and farms.

And that Zionist terror storm continues to this day.

Here we find that the Zionists have again shot a Palestinian medic, just like they did a few weeks ago.

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